Come By the Hills


1:Oh cF#ome by the hHills to the lC#and where fHancy is frF#ee
stand where the pHeat meats the skF#y and the lHochs meats the sC#ea
where the rF#ivers run clF#/C#ear and the brHacken is gF#old in the sC#un
and the cEares of tomEorrow can wF#ait till thHis day is dF#one.
2:Oh come by the hills to the land where life is a song
sing where the birds fill the air with their joy all day long
where the trees blow in time and caressing wind is in June
and the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
3:Oh come by the hills to the land where legend remains
where stories of old fill the heart, soon they yet come again
when our past it is lost but our future is still to be one
and the cares of tomorrow can wait till this day is done.
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:28:06.097+00:00
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